Promoting Dance

In the near future various Promotional Tools will be posted to this web page.  Please feel free to use any of these ideas, especially the best practices that we have collected in our Pinterest Boards dealing with promotion:


You can also submit ideas for posting.


What we do…

We work with Canada’s provincial dance federations to promote the fun and enjoyment of square and round dancing in their regions, and to assist areas of Canada who would like to bring square and round dancing to their communities.

Feel free to use the Canadian Society Logo on your promotion materials.  Right-Click Image  & Save to get you copy


We're on Facebook!

Did you know that CSRDS has its own Facebook page where Clubs are invited to post links to their own club FB pages?

This way, we can connect and stay in touch with members of the Canadian Square Dancing community from coast to coast, and promote dancing to the public at large.

Stay in the Loop!

We’re on Pinterest!

Our Pinterest page features more than 25 boards covering the range of dance forms supported by the CSRDS.

With more than 1,500 links, you’ll find Pins on everything from promotional ideas, dance videos, square dance history to nostalgia, youth square dancing, and quirky square dance videos.