Callers From Outside Canada

Under immigration regulations, a Square Dance Caller, Round Dance Cuer, Contra Caller, Clogging or Line Dance Caller are allowed to enter Canada to Call/Cue for limited engagements without a work permit.

The section is known as R186 (Working Without a Permit) with the Caller/Cuer falling under paragraph (g) R186 – Performing Artists and Crews

In general, the attendees must be attending the function solely to be “Entertained” by the Performer. The performance CAN NOT be secondary to the regular nature of the business –ie performing in Bars, Pubs or Restaurants where the primary nature of the venue is to sell food or alcohol. (Not an issue with Square/Round Dancing)

It was suggested that the letter should list time, dates and venue (Community Halls are listed as an example of an acceptable venue). Although not absolutely necessary, the Immigration Officers I have discussed this with advised that a letter (such as attached) was a good idea.

Callers for Caller’s Schools would fall under R186(j); however, the event can not be more than 5 days in length (this is now flexible and a limitation must exist – ie 7 days).

Below is a sample letter, excerpts from the Foreign Workers Manual as of December 2007.  Also the web information to check on any updates.

Then select English

On the Left hand side in the section titled “RESOURCES” click on “Publications”

On this page go to the 3rd section called “Policy and Program Manuals” click on “Temporary Foreign Worker Guidelines” (FW).

There are two options here:

FW 1 – Foreign Workers Manual (complete details of each section)

FW 2 – Foreign Workers Guidelines (a table listing various occupations, section of act and exempt or not)

You may want to check FW 1 (page 18, 19 or 20) for the latest updates to the wording. This section clearly defines what is meant by an “employment relationship”.  A single dance, a weekend or a festival is not considered an “employment relationship”.

The latest version the section is on page 33 and 34 in Section 5.8.

Sample Letter

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